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Enjoy the latest installment of our ongoing series featuring some of our favorite fitness, nutrition and healthy spots around Atlanta. For February, we wanted to give one of our Athens’ neighbors a little shine . Located at 1765 Old West Broad Street, SPARC is more that just a gym. We recently talked with manager, Cody Reed,

Each January, millions of Americans make resolutions to eat more healthfully and lose weight, but many lose steam along the way. If you have trouble keeping your resolutions or meeting your goals, make this the year you create a solid plan that sets you up for success! Start by Assessing Your Food Choices and Lifestyle

If you’re thinking about starting (or have already started) 2020 with the resolution of losing weight and eating healthier, there definitely isn’t a lack of diet options to choose from. While some of them are legitimate, many of these “lose-weight-while-sitting-on-your-couch” plans are not. One that we get a lot of questions about that you may

Happy Tuesday! For every month in 2020 we plan sending inspiration your way and we’re setting it off by spotlighting one of Fresh ‘N Fit’s longtime brand ambassadors, Tiffany P. Tiffany first tried our meals back in 2017 but we recently checked in with her to hear firsthand how her journey begin and where it

Can you believe it’s the start of another new year and a new decade? And like every new year in the past, we all want to start it off on the right foot. Whether it’s being more active or eating healthier, all you need to do is take a little time to get your plan