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For the past couple of years, the X3 Foundation has put together a charity fight night aimed at bringing awareness and raising funds for their youth mentoring programs. This year was no different and Monday Night Garage in Atlanta’s historic West End, was where it all went down on November 1st. The Garage is one of the largest breweries in Atlanta, and it was the perfect venue for a night filled with mixed martial arts, a casino, live jazz music and a gourmet VIP buffet provided by Fresh ‘N Fit Cuisine.

Established to benefit the under-served youth of westside Atlanta’s neighborhoods, the X3 Foundation’s various programs place an emphasis on fitness, health and nutrition while laying the foundation of overall personal development and character growth.

National Fighting Championship provided the action for the evening as the event was billed as NFC #122. As with all of NFC’s events, a clinic of various disciplines was on full display ranging from ju-jitsu to Muay Thai to grappling. Each fight had everyone in the packed venue off their feet cheering when each winner was announced and wincing to themselves every time a hard kick or punch was landed.

This year we were able to come together and raise more money to help further the Foundation’s mission,” said Mike Littrel, X3 Sports’ founder. “This night wouldn’t have been possible without the generous partnerships from all of our sponsors, including the wonderfully, healthy and delicious food that Fresh ‘N Fit Cuisine provided.

If you missed out on this year’s “Fighting For A Future” Fight Night, make sure to save the date in 2020. You won’t be disappointed and if you would like to learn more about the X3 Foundation and their mission, please visit their website.

Related: Complete results of NFC #122

Fresh ‘N Fit is committed to continue to work with and develop their partnership with the Foundation, specifically with their After School Enrichment program to benefit kids from various westside neighborhoods that includes: Vine City, Grove Park, Center Hill and Almond Park.

In Case You Missed It: Fresh ‘N Fit Cuisine Partners with X3 Foundation To Help Feed Atlanta’s Youth Community

Photos courtesy of X3 Foundation and NFC