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We are more than half way through 2019. Can you believe it? Many of us are focusing on taking a long-term approach to our health and fitness, as well as working on sustainable healthy habit formation. Awesome. Way to go! Now, the second half of 2019, aka the “Long Haul” is coming. When it comes to

Many factors affect how many calories adults need. Some factors you cannot change. For example, your age and height. On the flip side, activity level is an example of something that impacts calorie needs that you can control. Most people do not need to count calories on a daily basis. The best way to ensure

Just like any good investment, teaching your child healthy habits now will pay off in the long run.  Kids who nibble on nutrient-rich foods from a young age are more likely to maintain those good habits later in life. Although it can be easy for families to slip into unhealthy food habits, with some practice,

That feeling when you have everything together and organized. How does this impact your self care, in particular, your nutrition and exercise patterns?  When you feel on, you may find it effortless to get to the gym regularly, go grocery shopping for healthy foods, do some meal prep and eat healthy foods on a consistent

One of my least favorite questions that I get asked is “are you on a diet?” As much as I try to give a simple “no” or “just eating healthy,” I inevitably end up going into a long explanation about balanced eating, why it’s important, and how it’s not a diet, but something that my